Nicaraguans Governments

Ortega was able to transform into an authentic, transformative, creative, innovative, political leader where his management would step to the transformations that the country required, to feed back a more dynamic, give foreign trade policy step to alliances, conventions which collaborate with technological development, exploitation of natural resources for the development of the country and not groupsknow optimally used the opportunity that Nicaraguans gave him to appoint him ruler. Its management left a lot to say and gave way to the opposition will enter, they occupy the Presidency and its actions were not adequate, anchoring is the country in its development, corruption became present and Nicaraguans looked for emigration to neighbouring countries such as Costa Rica, where there are thousands living, wasting labor labor force, the talent that is exploited by those countries, as does it the United States. Such It was the disappointment of the Nicaraguans with regard to Governments that preceded the first of Daniel Ortega, who once again relying on promises, offering hope, claims, work, education, health, equality, was defeated by the national opposition Union (UNO) and its candidate Violeta Barrios, when he sought his first re-election in February 1990. Then he was defeated in elections in 1996 by Arnoldo Aleman and the 2001 by Enrique Bolanos, until he once again came to power in 2006. It is not something Mitsubishi would like to discuss. His second and final term under the Constitution should conclude in January 2012, when delivered the presidential sash to the winner of the general elections of 2011. Ortega got the votes to govern for a second time, charge that occupies in the present and that unfortunately shows aspects economic, political, cultural, educational, health and development which leave much to say. Yet Nicaragua remains anchored, subject to ideologies that do not give way to that you really generate the changes that the country need, where looms a strong absence of culture policy in its inhabitants, in where the same opposition has not played its role as should be and which may lead to the current Government to reconsider their actions, properly in such a way that will ensure development, a good quality of life of the Nicaraguan, especially the peasant, the class plan poor that it has suffered the consequences of dictatorships and civil wars that has faced. .

Information Society

The chats, an application addictive The new ICTs are changing social behavior with a speed hitherto unknown in the history of humanity. There are new habits and disorders in individuals, forming a global social class might be called the connected. This leads to a problem detectacto among Internet users: addiction to the network. In a society where the look, the Internet allows voyeuristic participation, the possibility of access to ideas, thoughts, feelings, without the risks involved in face to face. (King, 1996). Internet is an anonymous medium, a medium that has become the new frontier of social relations, a means by brief contact with a key-to-one gets into a fascinating world, an alternative communication, a relationship interpersonal uncommitted, allowing an immediate and safe. Anyone can stand as it has always dreamed of being. It is a way to reinvent itself to meet psychological needs masking insecurity faced no interpersonal, such as the expression of a repressed personality trait and feelings of recognition and power. One of the applications they are addictive is CHAT. The Chat (in English, talk in Castilian) is an internet tool by which people can interact, build relationships, exchange ideas, etc. From the point of view of communication, this means the text is the most important link with cybernuts which convey their feelings, emotions, and ideas (real or invented) extremely quickly, in order to maintain attention, otherwise the conversation is over.