Individual producers in competition quality Dominican coffee

At the end of the third competition of quality coffee Dominican spent 24 individual producers left in the following positions from the first and older: Cyril Diaz. The Sanchez Constanza 79.50 Manuel Antonio Hernandez. Cerro Prieto, Juncalito 78.98 Diomedes Santiago Baez. San Cristobal 76.75 Melvin Miguel Tejada. Franco Bido, Juncalito 76.70 Juan Luis Tejada. Jumumuco, Jarabacoa 76.68 Cayetano Manuel Taveras. Las Lagunas 76.43 Julio Antonio Mina anymore. Cerro Prieto, Juncalito 76.35 Humberto de Jesus Perez. Las Lagunas 76.30 Welcome Terrero. Neyba 75.55 Karoma. Las Lagunas 75.20 Armando Santana. Neyba 74.28 Rafael Antonio Almonte (Fey). Las Lagunas 74.25 Fabio Luis Ramirez. Step Short, Jarabacoa 73.95 Natalio Mars. The Cacique, Juncalito 73.58 Amado Martinez.Father de las Casas, Azua 73.58 Jose Joaquin Taveras. Cerro Prieto, Juncalito 73.45 Belarminio Ramirez. Alto del Yaque, Jarabacoa 73.20 Joseph Lucia Adrian. The Pe ita Down, Rancho Arriba 73.15 Roberto Echavarria. Constanza 72.75 Eddy Ramirez. The piglets, Jarabacoa 72.28 Delcio Martinez. Jamamucito, Las Lagunas 71.45 Ramon Gomez. Hope, Mao 70.33 Morel Roberto Arias, Esperanza Mao 68.70 Ramon A. Diaz. Peralta, Azua 66.90 1st place: Cyril DIAZ.LOS SEZ, CONSTANCE: Cyril Diaz’s farm is located between Los Sanchez and pull at an average altitude of 1,350 meters. It has acres of coffee and lemons caturra Persians. The coffee is highest at an altitude of 1.460 meters, being one of the highest coffee plantations of the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean. Six tasters gave total scores between 80 and 85, while the other six gave scores between 70 and 80. The total average score was 79.5 In recent days we devote a special chapter to this cafe and we discussed the details with luxuries tastings of the playoffs and the finals for this glorious coffee. The fragrance / aroma average obtained by Cyril coffee was 7.5, having 3 tasters rated it between 8 and 9, and nine scored between 7 and 8 Two assessors scored with 9 flavor, three between 8 and 9, while the other 7 scored between 7 and 8.So the taste gets an average of 7.7 A taster of Europe with 9 qualify the aftertaste, three with note 8, six points between 7 and 8, and there were 2 assessors, one national and one of North America called it a mere 6. Thus the average was 7.3 The acidity was rated between 8 and 9 by five tasters, while the other 7 scored between 7 and 8. His 7.6 average achievement 7.3 was the average for three tasters because the body deserves an 8, a majority of eight tasters between 7 and 8, the one you describe and 6.5 points Only 2 assessors are not even the 5 cups so it’s uniformity averaged 9.7. The same is true for the clean cup. A balance of 7.5 is achieved because four assessors value it between 8 and 9, seven between 7 and 8 and only one puts only a 6.5 The sweetness reaches an average of 7.5 because a Japanese taster puts a 10, he recorded three tasters between 8 and nine, seven between 7 and 8 and one national punishment as a 6. The average preference was 7.8, where the taster is rewarded with a 9, for four deserves 8, five tasters call him between 7 and 8 and it penalizes an American with a 6.5 No taster cups penalized because they are defective and only four do not comment Cyril Diaz coffee. It appears that the Elam taster did not like this coffee, which was what gave it scores less, but nevertheless describes a dominica very positive way, he is viewed with a certain tartness, fruity, citric and pleasant.

Government of Fernando de la Rua (1999-2001)

Fernando de la Rua, president between 1999-2001.Following the growing questioning of the government of Carlos Menem, based mainly on the corruption and inability to combat the scourge of unemployment, an emerging political force was formed after an agreement between the Union Civica Radical (UCR) and Frepaso, a confederation formed by the party Frente Grande, Popular Socialist, Social Democratic, Christian Democratic and Intransigent. In 1997 this unit was specifically through the creation of the “Alliance for Work, Justice and Education”, better known as “Alliance.”From their ranks came Fernando de la Rua made-Chacho Alvarez, winner of the presidential election held on October 24, 1999 with 48.5 of the vote and a lead of 10.5 over the official Eduardo Duhalde.On December 10, made the Alliance took power in a climate of hope, even among many who had not voted. However, since his assumption, De la Rua began to undermine his political base by announcing the need for a series of tax hikes and adjustment of the state structure of considerable magnitude.The cabinet of ministers, in the end extremely unstable, was composed by, among others, Jose Luis Machinea in the Ministry of Economy, Ricardo Lopez Murphy Defense, Adalberto Rodriguez Giavarini on Foreign Relations, Juan Jose Llach in education. He was a cabinet composed of radicals, and even Frepaso Cavallo, and with a lot of economists.Argentina location in the economic and social situation was very delicate one and that unemployment went well beyond the 15 , and climbed relentlessly, insecurity in the streets, mistrust on the part of international financial markets and a large external debt were among the main topics urgent to address the government’s agenda.The Ministry of Finance had set certain financial measures, to manage the fiscal deficit, mainly seeking the blessing of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to advance a new loan. The government pledged to maintain the Convertibility Law, which ordered that a weight had the value of a dollar.Beginning in February 2001 large flows of funds began to leave the country. The following month took over as Minister of Economy Lopez Murphy, but was repudiated by the opposition, and even by the radicals, in announcing the tariff university. Following the resignation of Lopez Murphy, in a surprising decision, the government appointed as Minister of Economy Domingo Cavallo, previously identified by the public as a symbol of the Menem government.On December 1, 2001, Cavallo decided to impose the pen, a package of economic measures imposed by a bank of the economy by removing the prohibition of cash deposited in public and private banks. This measure, which significantly affects the middle classes, most support in the international financial institutions and markets, but people began to express considerable dissatisfaction.By mid-December there were some outbreaks among the lower classes in some cities of the provinces, carried forward by the so-called piqueteros. Specifically, several shops in impoverished areas of the country were looted by sectors of the population unemployed and destitute.Some political analysts attribute the riots to a destabilization plan orchestrated by some leaders of the Partido Justicialista.The cacerolazos.A day after December 19, 2001 there were popular demonstrations known as the cacerolazos, where people gathered noisily banging pans. During the day there were serious riots and social unrest in various parts of country, with its epicenter in the city of Buenos Aires. During the severe clashes between demonstrators and police, ofwhich the most violent were those that occurred in the vicinity of Government House, killed at least 5 people.Against this backdrop, the president decided to announce on national chain that had decreed the state of emergency, suspending constitutional guarantees of citizens. Spontaneously, thousands of people took to the streets, upset with the recent civil and economic. Pacific, the population expressed dissatisfaction throughout the night while the police trying to move away from Government House, using tear gas, resigned this evening the Minister of Economy Domingo Cavallo.The day was December 20, new clashes between police and protesters gathered at the Plaza de Mayo, in front of Government House and elsewhere in the country. Sustaining Domestic Budget Deficits in Open Economies by Farrok Langdana (Library Binding – Jan 12, 1990)