WINAICO Pass Modules

Performance degradation with WINAICO modules less than 1 percent Creglingen, 07.08.2012 – win win precision technology co., Ltd. from Taiwan has its WINAICO photovoltaic modules of WSP series TuV of Rhineland PID test subject and concluded with very good results. The modules of a conventional photovoltaic system exists due to voltage and potential differences between module frame and solar cells. This can lead to unwanted leakage currents, the polymers of the slides in the laminate over the lifetime of decomposing the successive reduce the efficiency of the modules and adversely affect the energy efficiency of solar modules. This effect is called potential induced degradation (PID). The solar modules over a period of 7 days (168 h) at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius) a negative voltage of 1000 Volts undergo testing by TuV Rheinland. For exact comparability, the front of the module will be covered during this time with aluminum foil or a continuous film of water and grounded. When a power loss of less than 5 the test is considered passed %. The modules of WINAICO have confidently passed the test with a performance of less than 1%; a further proof of the high quality and reliability of the WINAICO modules. The use of high-quality encapsulation materials and State of the art equipment ensures a permanent production of PID-resistant modules at WINAICO. “The positive result of the test is WINAICO customers security, because it confirms that the performance of the module remains in the long term almost constant”, so Cheng lien Wang, head of production for win win precision technology co., Ltd. In the in-house laboratory, WINAICO continually tests components and modules of the TuV standard, and ensures that permanently high quality. “So they could WINAICO modules further tests such as the FokusTest ammonia resistance” successfully complete the DLG or the test for salt fog resistance. WINAICO Germany GmbH manufacturer and system supplier as 100% produces subsidiary of the semiconductor company win win precision technology co., Ltd., headquartered in Taiwan and sells worldwide WINAICO crystalline high-performance modules. Also supplies the WINAICO Germany GmbH as a systems integrator complete photovoltaic PV system packages.

Wolff Consulting GmbH

On March 26, 2010, the marketing Club Berlin for the third time gives the M-Berlin-marketing award. On March 26, 2010, the marketing Club Berlin for the third time gives the M-Berlin-marketing award. As Berlin direct, which is the Foundation of contemporary relationships successfully for over 10 years as a connecting link between marketing and IT with its data management, assist these activities the Wolff Consulting GmbH. With the price are Berlin-based company for successful marketing since 2008 award. There is a M award in gold, silver and bronze. “” “And this year even more prizes: the M for the region Berlin-Brandenburg”, the M for the best commercial in Berlin”and a M for the most successful startup”. On February 25, 2010, a jury made up of a total of 32 submissions BERLIN chose the shortlist of M MARKETING AWARD 2010. The short list can be viewed on the Internet site of the marketing Club Berlin. The prize winners are at a Gala on March 26, 2010 in the Mercedes world on the Salt River in Berlin announced and honored.

British Loans

No./debit card loans are available in the finance market and they work to provide great relief to the people who find it difficult to secure money when they need the same seriously needed. Urgent funding is a reality on number of occasions as shortage of money is true for most of humans. People who get monthly salary or wages and people who have some child of monthly income are on the same boat as they do emergency resources to explore find whenever they find necessity of securing some amount of money, big or small. They have loving relatives and intimate friends but they cannot always respond to their approach. The very funny and troublesome experience is that nobody can predict when funding will appear as urgent and unavoidable. No./debit card loans are of great help and of significant relief in such situations. No./debit card loans are short term loans and the are payday loans for which borrowers are not to part with their debit cards. There are some advantages in no debit card loans. The money is advanced as fast cash as the incumbent require the money when he / she is badly in need of the same. When the application for no debit card loans is accepted and approved the lender just transfer the money electronically to the bank account of the borrower. Secondly, no debit card loans come under unsecured variant of loans. Hence the lenders take greater risks when they give the money. But they do not demand proof of ownership of any valuable property to be used as collateral. Thirdly, in order to secure no debit card loans the debtors are not to be worried of their record of credit. People with bad credit record or no credit record are so eligible for no debit card loans. Still there are a few conditions which the applicants must satisfy to be eligible for no debit card loans: the applicant must be a British citizen and must have completed 18 years of age. He / she must have active bank account to which the money may be transferred. He / she must work as employees or workers in any legal organization and earn at least 1,000 in every month. No./debit card loans range from 100 to 1,500 and the repayable tenure may be flexible. The tenure for repayment is generally between 14 and 31 days. The rate of interest is obviously higher. Bret Lee is author of debit card loans UK.For more information about debit card loans, debit card payday loans visit

George Australia

The finance market has provisions for sameday cash and people in dire need of instant money in the United Kingdom are greatly benefitted by find fast cash. What one can do if one has no means to secure certain amount of money, even a small amount of money, if no options are found open? If it is of no. use even seeking help from the nearest relative or closest friend people greatly in need of money may go mad. What a person can do if he / she has admitted a family member in a hospital where the admitted one is a patient of surgery and if some money is immediately demanded? The finance market in the United Kingdom cannot be called unkind and indifferent because sameday cash is available to respond to such situation positively. Sameday cash is a loan of small amount. It comes within the range between 100 and 1500 only. The borrowers are given generally two weeks of time to pay back the money. The lenders may allow the tenure of repayment to be extended to four weeks maximum. There is one important thing to consider. The interest for sameday cash is fixed at higher rate. The rate is made of interest goes higher if extension to 30 days. Usually the finance market provides loans in two variants: secured and unsecured forms. Under secured the borrower are directed to produce form documents in support of certain property which are to be pledged as collateral. The borrowers for sameday cash are not to bother for any such bond. By nature sameday cash comes under unsecured forms of loans and collateral of any child is not demanded by the lenders. The applicants may apply directly to the lending agencies online. Once the entries are found all right calendar take little time to approve the application and money is sent immediately, that is, on the same day, to the bank account of the borrower. Still there are certain conditions, easy and simple conditions, which are stated below. To be eligible for sameday cash these conditions are to be satisfied. It is imperative that the applicant must be a citizen of the United Kingdom. He / she must not be less than 18. The borrower must work in any concern which has legal approval. The borrower must earn 1000 every month. He / she must have authorized bank account in the United Kingdom. Angel is financial adviser of payday cash advance loans in Australia.For any query regarding George Australia payday loans, fast cash advance Australia visit

United Kingdom

Loans for people on dss benefits are great relief for people who are in great distress. Loans are approved under certain conditions, and payment is made fast and easy. Human society is composed of varieties of people and people live in different conditions. A few of them are physically crippled and are not in a state to be employed and many of them cannot secure a job even if they are not unfit. These persons are eligible to apply for loans for people on dss benefits. The full form of dss is department for social security. Social security is important thing in every state. There are provisions to take care of such people and meet up their shortage of money by grants of loans. It is a fact that their loan applications are approved on emergency basis such as they need money to meet up immediate and unforeseen crisis. Benefits of the department of social security are only for the people who have fewer alternatives to pull on. It is uncertain why and face wants urgent when they need of ready money. Accidents, hospitalization, medication and this child of dire needs require fast and quick attention. Loans for people on dss benefits are not difficult to avail. Applications are straight and simple and are easy to be filled in and one can at ease apply online. The lenders require certain information about the ultra-delicate and verify their eligibility and approve the loans without any delay. The sum of money applied for are transferred to the bank account of the applicant by twenty four hours just after the approval. In the case of loans for people of dss benefits the calendar approval does not depend on the record of credit of the borrowers. Closed loans for people on dss benefits are not advanced to anyone. There are some conditions which are required to be satisfied by the applicants for approval of the loans. The conditions are submitted below. The applicant must be a citizen of the United Kingdom. S / he must be at least 18 years of age. S / he must have a record that he has been on dss benefits for the last 8 months. S / he must hold to active bank account in any bank of the United Kingdom. A saving of minimum 800 in his account is a must. S / he must live in a particular residence for the last one year. People are not required to produce any document in support of collateral for loans on dss benefits property. Melissa Mia advisor of cheap loans for is People on Benefits.For any unemployed loans for people on benefits, payday loans for people on benefits visit

Updated Ranking Within The TOPLIST Of Telematics

The TELEMATIK Award and its impact on the ranking within the TOP LIST of Hamburg. 14.09.2013. This year’s winners of the Telematics Awards took not only a noble crystal trophy and the recognition of the independent jury back in your business related. Due to their success are successful companies created are also a better placement in the online guided TOP LIST of leading telematics providers. Telematics Media Group is committed to the goal, to ensure more transparency and orientation within the telematics industry. It is not our goal to offer a stage to anyone currently over 1,400 on the market telematics provider has our media presence, now print, online or TV. We want to obstruct the view on the quality of the users and other interested parties not by the high quantity”, explains Katharina Klischewsky, editor of the media group telematics In terms of orientation and transparency for our readers, viewers and users we have one years ago in a way, Access clause ‘ is created for provider via our media just to crack a successfully passed examination by a competent jury. We thus correspond to the wishes of registered users and those interested in our approach, to create more orientation and transparency in the market. “To meet this user will, the media group telematics offers many features for users and other interested parties, to describe this innovative technology more understandable in their fields of application. This puts the user in a position better to be able to penetrate the high density of providers within the industry. For these reasons, in addition to the free for buyers and, also a list of all the providers in the German-speaking world is an independent jury on behalf of the user on the home page of the media group. This list of all telematics providers of telematics from the TOP LIST “led.