Marketing Online

The cantabri innkeepers learned the keys to online paper called Tourism Marketing marketing online. Web 2.0 tools., the first that was conducted in the second edition of the fair ExpoInnova, which organizes CEOE-CEPYME. The Conference was conducted by Fabian Gonzalez, of the Instituto Tecnologico innkeeper (ITH), which was accompanied by the Chairman of CEOE – CEPYME, Mirones Miguel, and the President of the Asociacion Empresarial de HOSTELERiA of Cantabria, Emeritus Astuy. Michael Mirones both Astuy coincided in indicating the importance to deal with the current economic situation by launching tools involving, at a zero cost, a differentiator in our businesses and a channel through which reach more audience. Michael Mirones referred to the delay that leads the Spanish hospitality industry in the foray into Internet. Us has begun to interest a little late with respect to other sectors and there is a long way to go, he considered. For his part, Astuy assured that It is not enough to have a web page or a profile on Facebook; In addition there are to know how to use it and be up to date because Internet evolves too fast. For more information see this site: Chevron U.S.A. Inc. For his part, Fabian Gonzalez based his presentation on the premise of promoting the competitiveness of the tourism sector with tools free and friendly since, he said, it is not time to significant investments. After exposure of Michael Mirones, was to do a review of the evolution of advertising since the 1990s, Gonzalez showed to the public, mostly businessmen of hospitality, current models of online advertising success. Hang videos on Youtube of our establishment which provide added value and are original can be placed the web of a cottage or hotel on the first page of Google, said Gonzalez. Another of the formulas for the success to which he referred was the development of social networks in the catering business. Entrepreneurs do not yet know the source of income which can generate have a profile on Facebook, on Twitter, or Tuenti, said. Gonzalez recommended to employers that they foster these business channels as platforms to be known without having an own aggressive sales channel or with repeated messages of offerings, but as something more friendly and amiable. It help us all, collaborate and inform but not overwhelm, he said. The expert also said that customers are the best advertisers in the company and we have to do as a friend and not as a business. Michael Mirones closed the session with his explicit support to the exposed keys of online marketing and the need for the hotel sector to tip over in them. Original author and source of the article

Vienna Circle Science

When we say that something is scientific, we tend to imply that it is authentic, clear and safe. Why, everyone wants that their area of expertise will be treated as a scientist. Other fields of study are qualified as pseudo-ciencientificos or false science, whose practitioners are called to their scientific activity and even used scientific language. But, how you can separate scientific from what is not? It is not easy task. Delimit the boundaries of science would be a job without exito1. This border that separates the science of the pseudo-ciencia is defined by the criterion of demarcation used. This has been debated for many scientists and philosophers of science of the 20th century. Kant stated that the judgments which constitute all science must be synthetic a priori. Synthetic because they must be extensive, i.e., our knowledge of science has to be expanded. And a priori because its truth cannot depend on experience, which is particular, not universal; in this way they are also necessary. This is an example of a criterion of demarcation. As such deprive other knowledge be called scientists. Another criterion of demarcation would be that established the Vienna Circle: is only a scientist what is empirically verifiable. That which cannot be proven by the experience it is neither true nor false, meaningless, it is not scientific. Popper critic expressed at the Vienna Circle. His criterion of demarcation was based on Falsifiability. This establishes that continuously verifying a theory useless to test its validity because there may be an object that has not been subjected to analysis and that belies that theory. Many checks do not prove the absolute validity of a theory, but a single one that refuted it invalidates it. For example, if we see one, two, three white swans, we dare to say: all swans are white. But at the moment that we saw one black, our theory would be false.

Great Companies

In contrast, as it clarifies COR (1999): The functional relations that if develop inside of nets of specific companies (chain of economic value, strategical company-net, alliances, groups, etc.) define situated contexts of action are of a strict territorial dimension. (COR, 1999:168). Although the geographic aspect (proximity between the companies) either essential dosfatores so that an one company ' ' cluster' ' it gets ' ' advantages competitivas' ' , this does not want to say that the firms structuralized in form of ' ' redes' ' (dispersed in different regions) they cannot get the same advantages. In the truth, ' ' nets of firmas' ' , exactly that they do not belong to one same locality, still they can get collective efficiency, therefore what they lose in ' ' economies externas' ' (due to distance separates that them), they earn in ' ' action conjuntas' ' , had to the biggest degree of cooperation ties that them. Of this form, in the European industrial districts (of years 70 and 80), many firms if tied and participated of spontaneous form of the productive chain (team of producers), even so remained exerting its functions as independent units. Other companies, however, created stronger bonds through commercial contracts, and, even so were equally independent, already they do not possuam as much freedom in the production of its good, therefore in this in case that the specification of the product (quality, price, etc.) would have to obey what it was stipulated in contract. Finally, diverse groups of company-net were formed, also, completely tied (under the form of franchising, cooperatives, trusts, etc.), independently to belong or not to one same region, or, more necessarily, independently to belong or not to cluster. As constataramSENGENBERG and PIKE (1999: 113): It has given that they point that, in relation has fifteen years behind, the great companies has on average, more plants, however little scale. .


‘ ‘ The agencies of classification of risk have many times different opinions on the same investments. Although this, not yet is common in Brazil an sender to more than have the evaluation of an agency. This is a trend that can be happened again in the Pas’ ‘ of other factors, beyond notes, in the hour to diversify carteira.' ' The demand of the senders for rating is growing, even so still is intent in the operations of medium and long run, because it costs expensive to get this type of evaluation. Of the side of the investors, them they are learning only not to look at superficially notes, but to better analyze the recommendations and analyses made for agncias' ' , Rabbat.Segundo Rabbat comments, with the fall in the taxes of interests the pension funds will have to more break each time for other assets, as same action and operations of private equity and venture capital. ' ' But, to enter in investments as these, it is not enough to the institucional investor to evaluate only the classification of risk. It has that to also look at the nature of the investment, the degree of governana of the company or institution and must plan as and when leave the investment. Why to the times all the conditions seem favorable but it does not have available purchaser when the investor wants to leave investimento' ' , explains Rabbat.At when the interests is interesting? It does not have doubts that the current trajectory of fall of the interests, that must be remained per the next years, compels the institucional investors to look new alternatives to fulfill or to surpass its atuariais goals. Although this, if cannot forget that exactly with the occured fall already, Brazil continues with the taxes highest of the world. ' ' We still did not make structural changes in our wallet because the fall of the occured tax of interests so far not yet was so expressive.