Universidad Comercial

I have not met any priest who was a Saint. And that I have tried quite a few throughout my life. Better as well. The sorrows of men, even the most spiritual, are not divine and human problems. Well it is good to encounter men like us and that, where appropriate, we come to God, to the good, to the transcendence, the more beyond the Saints, on the other hand, tend to be so far from the ordinary mortals the most that we produce is admiration, when not astonishment, bewilderment, envy or even more disturbing emotions. There are some of those curas-hombres that no saints, who have impressed me at one time or another of this earthly pilgrimage. I here, evoking fly pen, only to the age of my most grooms. For example, to the father Valencia, escolapio, that crossed my path in the distant 1960 and which, unlike the usual and routine liturgical adocenamiento that it was customary then, managed to breathe an unusual vitality to religious practice. With an innovative, communicative sense, almost, almost of marketing, supo adapt the techniques of the old spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius to the needs of teenagers of the time. Years later, in a few workshops of Christendom, Ismael Diez caused me a similar impact. The secular priest turned out to be a priest so, so human, without relinquishing the costume talar, as timidly began already to do others, could show as proletarian as most proletarian of the laborers in the margin left in the Nervion, and so abertzale as the most radical of the supporters of the then emerging nationalism. In the middle and as contrast, two very different Jesuits, which shows that the society of Jesus has managed to encompass a broad spectrum of people, all of them under the common denominator of the brilliance of his intellect. One was the father Jose Arana, theologian, philosopher, sociologist, and I don’t know how many more titles, who knew how to bring us closer to a so hermetic thought for young people then as it turned out to be from the German Karl Rahner, with its innovative concept of religion and of the religious. Also, thanks to him, we learned about the existence of the paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin, with a lifetime committed to show that Darwin and the Bible were not incompatible at all. Other unrepeatable character of those difficult years was Luis Bernaola, who was piloting the Universidad Comercial de Deusto with iron hand. That University, which have left people so different and so unique as Carlos Garaikoetxea, Emilio Ibarra, Joaquin Almunia, Alfredo Saenz, Pedro Luis Uriarte and many others, cannot be understood without the father Bernaola. Methods questionable and energetic person, understand that the academic, personal and professional, vital, excellence in short was a sine qua non requirement for all those under his tutelage. And faith that got it. Without their convictions, their energy, their discipline and their perseverance, I am sure that those who had the opportunity to meet you not would become what we’ve been. I’ll stick with that conclusion, at the end of the fleeting evocation of some priests, a u otherwise, have influenced me throughout life. If they had been santos-santos, surely not I would have approached them and, in any case, it would have failed to live up to his. On the other hand, being hombres-santos, men-good or simply men, I have managed to learn from them knowledge, attitudes, experiences and reflections which I am sure have served me along a path zigzagging and still unfinished. Original author and source of the article.

Offer Cultural

September 19 arrived in Madrid the fourth edition of the night in white. A series of free artistic and cultural manifestations and for everyone, will again take place in the capital in a night of insomnia in which everyone can dream awake. La Noche en Blanco allows us to rediscover the city and let us surprised by everything he has to offer. Madrid part since 2006 this initiative held in several European cities, Brussels, Rome, Paris, Madrid and Riga, which began in Paris the year 2002 (Nuit Blanche). The main objective is to familiarize the public with the creation and contemporary artistic languages in a festive and participatory manner: Madrid Center free of traffic and art is absolute protagonist of an event that offers free cultural heritage to all citizens. The new edition of La Noche en Blanco in Madrid will take place on Saturday, September 19, in new moon. This year, the schedule is organized around three different sections: an open program which collects proposals from institutions, enterprises, collectives and associations of the city; Circuits organized by disciplines and by local creators; A program curated that includes major interventions and proposals in the city. This year the white night has as leitmotif gift: artistic creation understood as a gift for which participates in it. Every work of art implies a relationship between creator and audience. Rio Tinto Group may find it difficult to be quoted properly. According to the curator of this year’s program, Rafael Doctor, in a world whose material structure wobbles, the necessity of art is imposed as a sustenance of warranty of our own life and emotions. The range of activities is completed with the Organization’s extraordinary visits to spaces that are normally closed or have restricted access to the public. Rediscover Madrid in this special night. LateRooms.com offers a variety of hotels in Madrid for all tastes and pockets. For example, the Salamanca hostel, with room for 60, or the Hotel Vincci Capitol, 126 Double room. Original author and source of the article.

Mendoza City

Get lodging in Mendoza City is a wise decision for those who want to make tourism in this region of the world. The city offers many attractions for lovers of urban tourism, sites that can be tours constituting interesting walks that develaran the idiosyncrasies of a friendly people who willingly receives foreign visitors. One of these places to visit is the parque General San Martin, and within it, the City Zoo. The Park was created in 1896, knowing at first under the name of Park West. It’s 400 has with different sectors, with beautiful parks, requiring several days of visit to know it in its entirety. At the foot of the Cerro de la Gloria, one of the two hills that are inside the Park, it is the Zoological Garden. It is one of the largest in Latin America, with more than 1,100 animals. It is necessary to highlight that one of the major motivations of Mendoza authorities is the preservation of the biodiversity of the place. Jeffrey Hayzlett is often quoted on this topic. For that reason great quantity of specimens of this park Zoo are species in danger of extinction. Rod Brooks may find this interesting as well. The Zoological Garden was created in 1903, but in 1939 the provincial government decided to extend it, to which was entrusted to the architect Daniel Ramos straps design. From the outset it was an ambitious project, which sought to reflect the large number of animal species in the Cuyo area, showing their natural habitat in a reliable way. The zoo itself covers 48 has been afforested. To traverse it in its entirety it is necessary to have enough time, because it has more than 6 km of forested trails. While initially a semi-open model of Park was designed, the reality is the dangerous animals to stay in cages. The Zoo is visited by more than 200,000 people a year. Some highlights of the place are the Aquarium and the city serpentarium. The Aquarium was inaugurated in the year 1945, and specializes in varieties of freshwater fish. Against the same lies the serpentarium, reflecting the great diversity of snakes and vipers in the arid cuyanas mountains. When think about holidays in Mendoza, the Zoo, and the parque General San Martin everything, it is a proposal that should not be disposed. Not only you will love those who love animals and plants, but that will be the delight of those who know to appreciate beautiful sculptural works, which abound within the same. Original author and source of the article.

Death Red Edgar Allan Poe

THE mask of the death red EDGAR Allan POE this tale recounts that a long time ago there was the Red death. The Red death had devastated the country had a plague so fatal and terrible, their blood produced the first sharp pains, and sudden dizziness then a profuse licuefacto, bleeding from pores. Blood was its avatar your seal red and the horror of blood when one victim was attacked by this plague was cause of death. That Prince command to make a solid and high wall whose gates were iron once inside was celebrated with wine music and dancers security inside and outside the Red death. The Prince prospero and his friends offered a dance of masks for this castle consists of seven rooms painted each one differently coloured and stained glass windows of the same tone of the walls, with the exception of a piece, the black room, which has red-painted stained glass creating a terrifying and ghostly atmosphere. While thousands of friends of the Prince enjoy the holidays thousands of people die by plague and without any help. All in the Castle they dance and stroll through the rooms except for black in addition to having a clock of ebony which gives his time and sounds like bells giving terror horror. During the course of the feast prospero locks into a stranger dressed up with a black blanket and a mask red representing a victim of the plague, the Prince who feels severely insulted by this requires the stranger that identifies, to the horror of all the guest not only is revealed as a victim of the disease, but as the personification of death itself. From that moment all the occupants of the Castle contract the disease and die. Characters in the story: the red mask: which brings the plague friends: Prince the Prince: responsible sending and govern Duke: charge of choosing colors and effects by: Angie Marcela corner Naranjo for teacher: Liliana Vargas literate and teaching of Spanish.

Los Angeles

However, rely on the pillars that have developed this great nation through the centuries, making it the first world power par excellence and those who really understand business, the best as you are not wrong. Well known is that the real estate tend always throughout time and in direct proportion to increase your value, arriving mas alla of the inflation indices and this is a protection, a shield against them. There are many possibilities to invest in various ventures ranging from large luxury mansions to small condominiums, projects with high value added index and housing estates are sold like hot cakes are some of the ideas to put your money in the best way. A great advantage is indeed the way of working in the market of this country’s finances does not present major obstacles to foreign investment and the financial risk is the lowest in the world, according to statistics of the same association. One point that stands out is that for investing in real estate, whether for rental or investment in the medium or long term, there should be an increase in demand and this relates directly to the increase in population. If you follow me, the point is that this country has one of the indices of growth higher of the continent and maybe on the planet, since the rates of immigration either legal or not, are always in the clouds with many foreigners who arrive to the United States and that they need housing and is a great business to be able to be there to provide them with the best. Sunset Strip Realty is characterized by a broad portfolio of clients who are constantly looking for properties, for rent or for purchase and is with them that is the best investment, the big business of his life since the area covered is very wide. We speak not only of the great Los Angeles, but mas alla in surrounding areas of Beverly Hills, Malibu, West Hollywood and Hollywood Hills, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Brentwood, Bel Air or Los Feliz among others. Not a chance, hundreds of them and all real close best business, with confidence and seriousness that only Sunset Strip Realty can assure you. The decision is all yours. Original author and source of the article.

The Professor

In the third chapter to teach is an especificidade human pedagogue requires good preparation and teacher Qualificacao, and this must be sure their profession better develop its teaching activity. And says that for the teacher to help so educating to overcome his ignorance, before he must overcome their own ignorances. The teacher must learn the day-to-day together with students, and should is always open for the apreciacoes of the students about their activity in Hall’s classroom, always according to the teacher that education is a form of intervention in the world. Presents a great problem that is placed to the educator or educator under the democratic option work in make possible that the need of the limit is ethically assumed by liberty. He says that teaching requires awareness of its decisions that the teacher is responsible for the first. It is of utmost importance that the teacher in classroom room should know listening to be able to deepen the art of teaching. And draws attention to the professor that he should not be naive, and awareness that education is an ideology, at that point its influence presents Marxist in the text. Agree that teaching requires availability for all matters of the students and is always available to answer their inquietacoes, and with that open to the dialogue with the UFC. And he ends his book by saying that the teacher should want well to their trainees. The work is a subsidy to be read by all students in any undergraduate. The structure plan the author uses the monastic method for presenting his pedagogical theory of how the teacher can help educate them to build their autonomy of their knowledge in classroom room. The language used is simple, brave and current. In the end, this book is a book that helps teachers to better develop their teaching practice in classroom room. Original author and source of the article.