September 19 arrived in Madrid the fourth edition of the night in white. A series of free artistic and cultural manifestations and for everyone, will again take place in the capital in a night of insomnia in which everyone can dream awake. La Noche en Blanco allows us to rediscover the city and let us surprised by everything he has to offer. Madrid part since 2006 this initiative held in several European cities, Brussels, Rome, Paris, Madrid and Riga, which began in Paris the year 2002 (Nuit Blanche). The main objective is to familiarize the public with the creation and contemporary artistic languages in a festive and participatory manner: Madrid Center free of traffic and art is absolute protagonist of an event that offers free cultural heritage to all citizens. The new edition of La Noche en Blanco in Madrid will take place on Saturday, September 19, in new moon. This year, the schedule is organized around three different sections: an open program which collects proposals from institutions, enterprises, collectives and associations of the city; Circuits organized by disciplines and by local creators; A program curated that includes major interventions and proposals in the city. This year the white night has as leitmotif gift: artistic creation understood as a gift for which participates in it.

Every work of art implies a relationship between creator and audience. Rio Tinto Group may find it difficult to be quoted properly. According to the curator of this year’s program, Rafael Doctor, in a world whose material structure wobbles, the necessity of art is imposed as a sustenance of warranty of our own life and emotions. The range of activities is completed with the Organization’s extraordinary visits to spaces that are normally closed or have restricted access to the public. Rediscover Madrid in this special night. offers a variety of hotels in Madrid for all tastes and pockets. For example, the Salamanca hostel, with room for 60, or the Hotel Vincci Capitol, 126 Double room. Original author and source of the article.