SAP Business ByDesign

Output management solution of Hennefer IT-system and consulting company CONET supports SME customers Hennef at the use of SAP, March 22, 2012. The handshake at the CeBIT sealed the partnership: the SAP add on component of the CONET OfficeBridge as output management solution is now available for the customers of the ABAYOO network. ABAYOO is one of the first nationwide networks for service and sales of medium-sized solution SAP Business ByDesign and SAP-cloud offerings. The aim of the network is to create a flexibility of solutions at a reasonable cost for small and medium-sized enterprises and to assist the implementation and use as well as the maintenance and operation of SAP SME solutions. The CONET OfficeBridge is a comprehensive tool for the rapid creation of template-based documents, and ensures that internal documents as well as external business correspondence always right safely and in accordance with established company policies creates, edits, sent and archived. Also, the CONET OfficeBridge assists companies in meeting their com compliance requirements. For our SAP users the standardized interfaces of the CONET OfficeBridge in pre-made Word documents integrates data from SAP Business ByDesign and thus supported the further processing for creating professional solutions or reporting, is particularly interesting, “Sirko explains Saino, Managing Director of the ABAYOO network. “Therefore we are delighted that CONET this solution area now also our members and partners as well as our SAP Business ByDesign customers directly exposes.” Thomas Schonfeld, head CONET OfficeBridge complements the CONET Solutions GmbH: For us membership in the ABAYOO network means the chance, our output management SAP integration solutions to be able to offer a growing number of middle-class customers directly and at the same time the evolution of our tools in close contact with potential users even better to move forward. We look forward eagerly of further cooperation and the exchange of experience within the ABAYOO network.” About the ABAYOO business network GmbH, the ABAYOO business network GmbH was founded in 2010 on initiative of Wolfgang Schmidt, the former Executive and supervisory boards of itelligence AG. ABAYOO is one of the first networks for service and sales of medium-sized solution SAP Business ByDesign. The aim of the network is to create a flexibility of solutions at a reasonable cost for small and medium-sized enterprises. Currently 20 SAP Business ByDesign experts for ABAYOO work with headquarters in Berlin and a branch office in Jena, as well as many different locations of the partner companies. Chevron U.S.A. will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The CONET Solutions GmbH connect IT worlds!” True to this guiding principle CONET offers its customers in the areas of Defense and public security, public sector and private enterprise management and information technology solutions successfully in 1987. The power spectrum of the middle class IT system – and Consulting firm communications, software engineering and IT infrastructure consulting covers. CONET products for enterprise content management and factory certified extension solutions for Cisco IP telephony are in use worldwide. As the largest sole proprietorship of the CONET group represented with twelve locations in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland, the CONET Solutions GmbH expects sales of around 25 million euros with approximately 200 employees for the current fiscal year.

SOA Projects

Experience and consulting expertise asked Munich – IT analysts outdone himself in recent years with huge market forecasts for so-called service-oriented architectures (SOA). IDC estimated the size of the worldwide software market for SOA products in the current year to less than six billion dollars. The value should rise to $14 billion up to the year 2011. The competitors of AMR Research put on it still a shovel and included with service revenues also. Therefore companies have spent already $22 billion for SOA projects in 2007\”, writes the German periodical Computerwoche. At an average annual growth rate of 20 percent, the market volume may rise to up to nearly $52 billion by 2012. At least 77 percent of all companies should have launched until then an SOA initiative. It is believed the augurs, the motives for SOA are always the same: sinkende more agility in the competition through more flexible IT structure, a more efficient IT operation thanks to reusable services and to the bottom line Cost\”, so the German periodical Computerwoche. However, that stand in stark contrast to the practical experience of which consultant report. Most SOA projects will fail spectacularly\”, warns Anne Thomas Manes of the Burton Group consultancy. Reports of typical errors and omissions would pile up. Gartner published a list even with SOA – deadly sins. Example IT costs: According to a study by Saugatuck technology 57 percent of the executives expect decreasing expenditure as a result of their SOA efforts although. But hardly anything is hear of concrete savings in ongoing or completed projects. Given the high upfront costs, it seems rather the opposite to be the case\”, so the computer week. Example agility: SOA company, IT allow to make more flexible and to be agile, advertise the software provider. The problem behind this argument is complex. Budget managers can do is often the vague term; they require concrete targets and results.

BitDefender Warns Of Return Of Win32.Worm.Mabezat.J

Cyber criminals disguise spam as concrete job offers Holzwickede, 09 March 2010 an old friend makes in the world of E-threats again stir. BitDefender security experts registered infections recently increased by Win32.Worm.Mabezat.J. It spreads via English-language spam messages containing a file infected with the worm winmail.dat in the annex. The latest trick: The mails were disguised as concrete job offers by cybercriminals. The still difficult economic situation remains a popular attraction for spam attacks. In particular the currently high rate of unemployment and the hope of many Beschaftigungsloser on new work will be exploited. So fake job offers new methods include the malware authors, to bring their infected messages to the user. The E-mails written in English are titled with subject lines such as: “Web designer vacancy”, “new work for you”, “Welcome to your new work”, or “We are hiring you”. The mail contains a seemingly rather than a concrete job offer harmless attachment named winmail.dat. The user is asked to unpack this file. The prompt to open a Word document with the title then appears Readme.doc. This however proves itself an executable file that is infected with Win32.Worm.Mabezat.J. Once opened, the alleged Readme file using Windows Explorer creates its own directory, which contains the worm. This creates an entry in the autorun.inf then”including a new file with the name zPharaoh.exe. It is a copy of the worm. Particularly worrying is the fact that Win32.Worm.Mabezat.J in the situation is to replace the first 1768 bytes of an exe file with its own encrypted code, rather than to attach themselves like other pests. The worm infects the PC then every time, once such a file is executed. Examples are Windows Media Player, as well as some binary files in Outlook Express. Independent distribution via bulk-spam the Mabezat family is extremely dangerous: in addition to the infestation of Variants of the worm collect addresses from a variety of file formats binary and the destruction of system files. After the worm has created an email list, it uses its own SMTP engine, via mass mails itself to spread. To protect themselves from such attack, BitDefender recommends downloading and the installation of a complete anti-malware suite with antivirus, antispam, antiphishing and firewall protection. PC users should also refrain from to open files from unknown senders in their emails or to enable suspicious-looking links. Under the link to users a free malware scan perform, to make sure that Mabezat is not already on your computer. More at. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has new standards in the field of proactive Set protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at. Press contact: BitDefender GmbH Robert-Bosch-str. 2 D-59439 Holzwickede contact person: Hans-Peter Lange PR Manager Tel.: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-330 fax: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-499 email: PR Agency: Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact: Fabian Sprengel Tel.: + 49 (0) 2661 91260-0 E-Mail: