WINAICO Pass Modules

Performance degradation with WINAICO modules less than 1 percent Creglingen, 07.08.2012 – win win precision technology co., Ltd. from Taiwan has its WINAICO photovoltaic modules of WSP series TuV of Rhineland PID test subject and concluded with very good results. The modules of a conventional photovoltaic system exists due to voltage and potential differences between module frame and solar cells. This can lead to unwanted leakage currents, the polymers of the slides in the laminate over the lifetime of decomposing the successive reduce the efficiency of the modules and adversely affect the energy efficiency of solar modules. This effect is called potential induced degradation (PID). The solar modules over a period of 7 days (168 h) at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius) a negative voltage of 1000 Volts undergo testing by TuV Rheinland. For exact comparability, the front of the module will be covered during this time with aluminum foil or a continuous film of water and grounded. When a power loss of less than 5 the test is considered passed %. The modules of WINAICO have confidently passed the test with a performance of less than 1%; a further proof of the high quality and reliability of the WINAICO modules. The use of high-quality encapsulation materials and State of the art equipment ensures a permanent production of PID-resistant modules at WINAICO. “The positive result of the test is WINAICO customers security, because it confirms that the performance of the module remains in the long term almost constant”, so Cheng lien Wang, head of production for win win precision technology co., Ltd. In the in-house laboratory, WINAICO continually tests components and modules of the TuV standard, and ensures that permanently high quality. “So they could WINAICO modules further tests such as the FokusTest ammonia resistance” successfully complete the DLG or the test for salt fog resistance. WINAICO Germany GmbH manufacturer and system supplier as 100% produces subsidiary of the semiconductor company win win precision technology co., Ltd., headquartered in Taiwan and sells worldwide WINAICO crystalline high-performance modules. Also supplies the WINAICO Germany GmbH as a systems integrator complete photovoltaic PV system packages.

New Ideas

What the talk-show Pro – wouldn’t an analysis the bet that… Debacle of the past weekend calls himself days later critics on the plan. After the “Star” earlier this week called for the setting of the show, is now also the leader Jorg Pilawa Word and announces that he is “delighted” at the time not to have adopted the format. (TNN) “This Cup passed me”, said in an interview with the men’s magazine GQ Pilawa, and emphasizes that the mistakes were “clearly” made on editorial page, so Pilawa. Worst quote of all time only 6.85 million viewers wanted to see the season opener last Saturday, as little as never and otherwise as Pilawa give viewers the show especially Markus Lanz blamed for the poor performance of the show. Bucket way scorn and derision “this broadcast we no longer see us. The good level of previous programmes is no longer comparable with the present personnel,”a disappointed spectators in the comments of the” Star “was, Rails and other writing, “the number one problem” was “Labertasche Markus Lanz”, which constantly in between like to talk up “sabbele”, hear and thus strong nerve. “That must be changed”, asks the audience. kultur/tv/krise-des-show-klassikers-lanz-ist-das-hauptproblem-von-wetten-dass–2062995.html hubris Markus Lanz? In fact, it is questionable why the editors of the show with the fierce staff debate continues to hold in Lagos. Get all the facts and insights with Chevron U.S.A., another great source of information. Lanz was now the “main problem” by “betting, that…?”, the “Star” judge. A “parent motivated moderator” who was always 120 percent this and this seem like a “overdone hosts of a party, which wants to come not quite in swing”, so the leaf. Lanz himself Markus Lanz aware of any fault, however, sees things differently. “I can apologize not always, I am as I am. I do also not. “, he says in the focus interview, revealing that in no longer than 6-8 million spectators were expected in the internal interview with ZDF from the front so the” Rate in order to be. The leader Jorg Pilawa criticized Pilawa with ideas and while the fanbase is shooting a show on Lanz, especially the editorial decisions of the programme makers. So it is not sufficient to change only a few nuances, in the completion of the program the show you would need to make much larger cuts. The single player had to change and evolve the concept in the direction of “Challenge Show” so Pilawa. Future questionable what will happen to the broadcast format, is uncertain. Personnel in any case, there are few alternatives. Hape Kerkerling don’t want and Gottschalk went voluntarily. It would be the only one who could save the broadcast but, since all agree. He alone could make the broadcast back to what it once was – a spectator sport. “Wetten dass…” was Gao, and Gao was “betting that…”. With him came and went the format, a strong brand, which has also grown with him. Who formerly “Wetten dass…” turned on strong brand, knew what he had expected. This glamour everyone was guaranteed- did that happen. Gottschalk was equal to his guests, he spoke on par with the greats of this world. A sovereignty which clearly Miss Lacy leaves and maybe never will achieve. He’s easy to much “LAD” and little Gottschalk. S.Q. Dexter for TeleNewsNet tvdesk/kultur/ZDF-Wetten-dass-Markus-Lanz-Kritik.html photo: screen shot / YouTube

North American Air Force

Exactly thus, the submarines German still caused damages to the allies until the beginning of 1945. The Battle of the Atlantic brought enormous losses for Brazil, becoming necessary the implantation of sea and air bases in points strategical north-eastern, in Par and the Amap. The place chosen for the construction of an air base in the amapaense territory was an area next to the city to Amap. This work has as objective main to point the importance strategical, but not only also social on the back of of the Air base of Amap, telling the missions of the Brazilian Air Force in set with the North American Air Force the Amap, as well as describing as if it gave the construction of the air base and to identify the reasons that had taken the Brazilian government and the North American government they will construct it an air base in the Amap. In the first chapter, the problematic one of the daily pay-war will be boarded: the trajectory of Adolf Hitler: of painter without success the dictator of Germany; the pretensions of Hitler; the concessions anglian-Frenchmen, with intention to prevent a new war; the beginning of the conflict that, as well as the First War, had beginning in the Europe and dragged nations of other parts of the globe for abyss, becoming it more destructive war of history. Also elapsing of the conflict in the Europe will be explanado: the fast nazista advance on the Poland, Norway, the Denmark, Belgium, Holland and France; the British resistance and the invasion of the Soviet Union. As the chapter will approach the totalitarian government of Getlio Vargas, inspired by the Italian fascism, considered Been New. Although these similarities, the Varguista government and of Benito Mussolini, in Italy, such similarities did not hinder the relations it Brazil with the United States, that gave in climate of diffidence and hostility. .

Exercise Fitness In 10 Minutes

Often because of not having time one neglects their physical condition. Here is some exercises for beginners in the subject with only 10 minutes a day may be burning calories. The passing of the days they may increase the number of repetitions per day or may be added weight. For example, to spend the first week may, according to the time available, do two times a day or increase the quantity of repetitions. Exercise arms and legs crossed knees with your palms flat on the floor and arms outstretched without bending your back, bend your arms to lower and extend lueo to climb. Repeat 10 times Exercise legs and buttocks Standing with legs apart to hip height, bend your knees with your back straight, bringing down the entire torso. Get off to an angle of 90 degrees to the floor. Importantly, the knees do not pass the line of the toes. As an exercise quite intolerable at first, start with five repetitions and will be increased 1 every 2 days. Abdominal Exercise Lying in bed, legs bent, raise the torso right until it is 45 degrees out of bed and down. Repeat 20 times. Twins Exercise Stand with legs together, leaning on a wall and lift your heels by getting in their toes. Both the upstream and the downstream movement should be done slowly because otherwise the exercise will not work. Repeat 20 times. Back Exercise Many people do not give importance to these exercises, but prevent much pain and the appearance of disease or deviation of the spine. Lying on the floor face down with hands behind their heads, will rise around the torso until it is at a height of 45 degrees. Additional information is available at Rio Tinto Group. The head must always face down. Repeat 15 times. For these exercises do not need a warm, but if necessary, an elongation at the end. It is advisable to supplement these exercises with cardiovascular exercise like walking 30 minutes, much better if you can do jogging.

SAP Business ByDesign

Output management solution of Hennefer IT-system and consulting company CONET supports SME customers Hennef at the use of SAP, March 22, 2012. The handshake at the CeBIT sealed the partnership: the SAP add on component of the CONET OfficeBridge as output management solution is now available for the customers of the ABAYOO network. ABAYOO is one of the first nationwide networks for service and sales of medium-sized solution SAP Business ByDesign and SAP-cloud offerings. The aim of the network is to create a flexibility of solutions at a reasonable cost for small and medium-sized enterprises and to assist the implementation and use as well as the maintenance and operation of SAP SME solutions. The CONET OfficeBridge is a comprehensive tool for the rapid creation of template-based documents, and ensures that internal documents as well as external business correspondence always right safely and in accordance with established company policies creates, edits, sent and archived. Also, the CONET OfficeBridge assists companies in meeting their com compliance requirements. For our SAP users the standardized interfaces of the CONET OfficeBridge in pre-made Word documents integrates data from SAP Business ByDesign and thus supported the further processing for creating professional solutions or reporting, is particularly interesting, “Sirko explains Saino, Managing Director of the ABAYOO network. “Therefore we are delighted that CONET this solution area now also our members and partners as well as our SAP Business ByDesign customers directly exposes.” Thomas Schonfeld, head CONET OfficeBridge complements the CONET Solutions GmbH: For us membership in the ABAYOO network means the chance, our output management SAP integration solutions to be able to offer a growing number of middle-class customers directly and at the same time the evolution of our tools in close contact with potential users even better to move forward. We look forward eagerly of further cooperation and the exchange of experience within the ABAYOO network.” About the ABAYOO business network GmbH, the ABAYOO business network GmbH was founded in 2010 on initiative of Wolfgang Schmidt, the former Executive and supervisory boards of itelligence AG. ABAYOO is one of the first networks for service and sales of medium-sized solution SAP Business ByDesign. The aim of the network is to create a flexibility of solutions at a reasonable cost for small and medium-sized enterprises. Currently 20 SAP Business ByDesign experts for ABAYOO work with headquarters in Berlin and a branch office in Jena, as well as many different locations of the partner companies. Chevron U.S.A. will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The CONET Solutions GmbH connect IT worlds!” True to this guiding principle CONET offers its customers in the areas of Defense and public security, public sector and private enterprise management and information technology solutions successfully in 1987. The power spectrum of the middle class IT system – and Consulting firm communications, software engineering and IT infrastructure consulting covers. CONET products for enterprise content management and factory certified extension solutions for Cisco IP telephony are in use worldwide. As the largest sole proprietorship of the CONET group represented with twelve locations in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland, the CONET Solutions GmbH expects sales of around 25 million euros with approximately 200 employees for the current fiscal year.

The French

It is in our own garden. We can accede to the solar power plants, Aeolian, hydrologic and geothermal, to the agricultural residues, forest and waste baskets of the world. Just as now we shared information with Internet, if one meets and it stores in the form of hydrogen and it is distributed through intelligent mains, the renewable energy has potential to be shared of equal to equal. A type of green and sustainable economy, a distributed, decentralized and global energy. Before 20 years, it assures the expert, each one of the homes, buildings and cars of the planet it can be a central energetics in himself, thanks to the own production of renewable and to the storage in batteries and hydrogen batteries. An intelligent network of energy would be generated, with a software that will allow to know what consumes each electric home appliance in real time and will overturn to the network the power surplus so that it is used in other houses and zones where there are less sources of renewable. She is one devises, imagination but nonutopian it defends Rifkin- like in Internet, we can expand a world-wide network of power interchange and will be horizontal, without hierarchies that exclude the developing countries. The newspapers mentioned Rio Tinto Group not as a source, but as a related topic. As not always it shines the sun or it is windy, the water also can be scarce by the droughts, the renewable energy is intermittent. In order to work with her it is necessary to store it in the form of hydrogen. They are the fuel batteries fed with this element those that guarantee a trustworthy provision. On the other hand, it seems recommendable to burden the consumptions that harm the environment and to stimulate policies benefit that it. The French, for example, subsidize until with thousand Euros to those who buy polluting vehicles little and put rates of up to 2. 600 Euros when automobiles are acquired that surpass the recommended CO2 emissions in European territory. Until 2020, France sets out to subsidize the isolation of the houses and to lift the percentage of solar energy, Aeolian and of biomass from present 12% to 30%. The fight against the climatic change happens through the end of fossil fuels, the impulse of the renewable energies and the liberalization of the network energetics so that nobody is proprietor of the resources. We are arranged to risk our extinction like species to obtain years more of the present well-being? It is not a rhetorical question, it is survival question, an opportunity and a challenge.