Performance degradation with WINAICO modules less than 1 percent Creglingen, 07.08.2012 – win win precision technology co., Ltd. from Taiwan has its WINAICO photovoltaic modules of WSP series TuV of Rhineland PID test subject and concluded with very good results. The modules of a conventional photovoltaic system exists due to voltage and potential differences between module frame and solar cells. This can lead to unwanted leakage currents, the polymers of the slides in the laminate over the lifetime of decomposing the successive reduce the efficiency of the modules and adversely affect the energy efficiency of solar modules. This effect is called potential induced degradation (PID). The solar modules over a period of 7 days (168 h) at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius) a negative voltage of 1000 Volts undergo testing by TuV Rheinland.

For exact comparability, the front of the module will be covered during this time with aluminum foil or a continuous film of water and grounded. When a power loss of less than 5 the test is considered passed %. The modules of WINAICO have confidently passed the test with a performance of less than 1%; a further proof of the high quality and reliability of the WINAICO modules. The use of high-quality encapsulation materials and State of the art equipment ensures a permanent production of PID-resistant modules at WINAICO. “The positive result of the test is WINAICO customers security, because it confirms that the performance of the module remains in the long term almost constant”, so Cheng lien Wang, head of production for win win precision technology co., Ltd.

In the in-house laboratory, WINAICO continually tests components and modules of the TuV standard, and ensures that permanently high quality. “So they could WINAICO modules further tests such as the FokusTest ammonia resistance” successfully complete the DLG or the test for salt fog resistance. WINAICO Germany GmbH manufacturer and system supplier as 100% produces subsidiary of the semiconductor company win win precision technology co., Ltd., headquartered in Taiwan and sells worldwide WINAICO crystalline high-performance modules. Also supplies the WINAICO Germany GmbH as a systems integrator complete photovoltaic PV system packages.