Interior Doors

As in any business (maintenance), installation of interior doors in a certain sequence. Tell a little about the sequence of repair in principle. Any overhaul starts with a complete dismantling of old structures (partitions, walls, windows, doors, floors, ceilings, etc etc). In turn, dismantle has a certain sequence and, for example, removal and installation of new windows is better to start after the completion of draft finishing the interior (plaster walls, screed floors) to avoid deterioration of new products due to potential inaccuracy artists performing similar work. After you complete dismantling, rough finishing the interior and installation of windows you can move on to the fine finish of the room. In our view it should start with the ceiling, then walls and finally the floor. Doors – is the final stage of repair and an essential element of the interior, after the doors should only be done plinth! In our publication we try to understand why the interior doors must be placed after the completion of repairs. We start from a distance. For correct sizing of future doors A minimum finished rough sex (ie sex, which made screed) and rough walls (plaster) as well as any zamerschik need to know, as a minimum height, width and thickness of the doorway. In addition, inviting it is at this stage, you can discuss not only the actual size of openings and issue standard or nonstandard doors you will, but the issue corrections actual size of doorways under after all standard doors which tend to be cheaper by 30-40% than the "nonstandard".

Georgia Pacific

In addition, suspended ceilings can significantly reduce the noise level in the room, which is very important to optimize working conditions. Naturally, this requires skilled work. It is not necessary to save on quality systems, it is better to choose well-known brands. Good producers (eg, Tigi Knauf , Danogips ") release all necessary for the proper and rapid installation of suspended systems. System Installation It may take several hours to several days – it depends on the size and complexity of the ceiling design. In these four walls – partitions office walls, too, should look decent and respectable. 15 years ago the choice was not large: wallpaper or paint. Both required a rather complicated surface preparation of the walls and time-consuming application. Dye, moreover, still retained the characteristic long and very unpleasant smell Luckily, in today's office partitions and wallpaper and paint virtually superseded by other materials quickly and easily provide a very modern and neat appearance. Certainly, the ratio of "quick installation – Quality championship rightfully belongs to wall panels. They are available from a variety of materials and designed for very different budget. Most affordable wall panels – cardboard-gypsum or gypsum plasterboard. They are durable, flame retardant, and the ability to choose a variety of colors. Panels made of natural wood and veneered valuable species (eg, Georgia Pacific), of course, will honor and Cabinet oil tycoon, and plates made of mdf (Osmo, Atex and others) would be appropriate in areas where many employees work – they are easy to clean and very durable.