The Client

But we must remember also that this formula has another meaning, mercantile! Agent, showing their competence in the knowledge of the product or service will never sell (Vtyuhaet) client product, in which the client later be disappointed! The grateful client manager can be useful in the future, because customer satisfaction, with high probability, will try to advise you their friends. And it's not just patriotic feelings towards your company does! The agent must take care of forming their own brand of personal. From this it may be concluded the company's management, although this may sound like nonsense – in return for the manager must be part of a certain ratio, for not prisoners or inmates are not the maximum transaction that is not alienated a potential customer, and added confidence to the company itself. Agent, its means of their competence, should dispel the confusion and obscurity in the mind of potential consumers to spend time (sometimes more than he would like) to explain the subtleties of services, but (Repeat) do not always result should be a sale of the maximum package of services – far more important to throw the seeds of confidence in the client! Someone will suffice to mention the lucrative stock-discount, but someone has to calculate how much it save for half a year taking part in the rally, someone wants to know how much it would cost the cable at the store, we are treading free and some have enough congratulations on behalf of the company's upcoming holiday! But this is only one side of sales – the main thing that the client has formed a stable stereotype of reliability to serving his firm, the trust, which tried to make him an agent. In their work, the agent can (and should) be applied common passages known advertising campaigns. (Similarly see: Jill Bikoff). For example, if a potential customer, referring to cable television, said that all the same everywhere, there is no point arguing with him, have a great arm – why pay more if you still show the same thing! The manager must take all the arguments the client agrees with some reservation in his (naturally) use. But the buyer should see service in the agent is not an opponent, and friendly minded specialist, sent (by God) for professional advice.

The Bureaucratic

For these times there is a market segment and their "office" sales. If this clip to use more (optional) and how to catch a tube of toothpaste, it is logical suggest that total sales will increase. Interestingly, the advertising can never be spent. You can simply shop window next to the stationery clips put half-empty tube of toothpaste, curled end which is fixed by clamping. The ordinary man enough to see once such a combination ("tube" + "clip") to it all became clear. We can expect that everyone will remember with their discomfort with a tube, paste when it is running out and buy (in addition to your stationery needs) another clip. And maybe even a few pieces to give to their friends (as well as to show how the use of office time in the new can make life a little more comfortable). This very simple example clearly shows that the sales of a product can actually be increased without any changes to its structure, without traditional large expenditures on advertising and so on – just because this product found yet another new application. If this is possible for a single product, it is logical to expect that something similar may be possible for other goods, if in respect of their to do the same thing that was done in relation to the first product. Let's analyze what was done with the bureaucratic grip and try to make out what rules it was done. 1. As we seen in Example 1, office clip began to perform a new function (to meet the new requirement), not just in itself, but only after it was used in the aggregate by some other, also known, is also already existing product on the market – for a tube of toothpaste.

Elvis Presley

But then, moving his gaze from teenagers to the monitor, I could not believe my eyes. On the screen I saw all the same guys but in the form of steep macho, well-dressed and professional dancing to the Latin American hit. At first I smiled because that "drove into what is happening" and only then from this very funny show. Directly in front of me, sitting on chairs Teens in some incredible way transformed, and suddenly found themselves protagonists of fun music video with alternating scenes. That was something! When you finish shooting, the young men stood up, approached the operator of the studio and DVD discs have a beautiful bright packaging. As I learned later, was captured on the discs of their stellar debut. Who walked briskly next to the chair in the studio was granny of 65 years, and her slightly older companion. They chose the song their next clip (as it turned out, the options were more than 40 clips) and a few minutes later they saw on the big screen the same old woman with a chic but the bust and shapely legs ignites a popular hit of Elvis Presley. Shake a leg near her grandpa in a smart tuxedo. People standing around just crying with laughter! I, meanwhile, captured the entire spectacle, began to figure in the mind of the prospects of this business, knowing full well that the topic excellent, and in the CIS or anything of the sort. But when I mentally reviewed all items of the list and compared them with what I see before me, I just gasped.