But, it was from the Industrial Revolution that the ambient degradation and disasters had gained ratios well more frightful in everybody? In Brazil from Century XX. The Amazonian forest was also not saved, as well as the manguezais in the maranhense territory: in the first case they are the forest fires and falling of trees, that had reached impressive indices in recent years; in as, the destruction of predatory and continuous form in strong rhythm. Harming the balance of ecosystems and the health direct human being and indirectly, compromising the quality of life of the populations. Recently diverse ecological disasters had occurred in Brazil (palco of the ECO-92), as spillings of oil in the bay of the Guanabara in Rio De Janeiro – generating the call black tide, killing diverse species and harming the health and the survival human being, vegetable and animal in the region. In the Maranho, especially in So Lus, the pollution of the river can be detached Indigo and degradation of its edges, with complete destruction of the ciliares bushes and significant assoreamento. The spilling of the domestic and industrial sewer and the garbage deposition have placed at risk the marginal populations, being all the population ludovicence subject to acquiring diverse types of illnesses, as clera and illnesses proceeding from rats and cockroachs. Thought about the survival human being in the planet, the minimum that if can imagine, it is that, in case that our authorities do not fulfill to the Federal Constitution and complementary laws (ambient), we will have an ecological chaos in few years. But if we, educators, doctors, gegrafos, biologists, lawyers, engineers, promoters, judges, councilmen, members of the house of representatives, etc., also not to take conscience of our paper as educator of generations, the situation we can be still more critical, therefore the pupil, the young, the citizen, badly informed of today, is the mentally ill one of tomorrow. White Bay Group Uriel Cohen is full of insight into the issues.

The true professional, the true one citizen: ‘ ‘ … has that to be conscientious of its paper, and capable to understand that it is the preparador of generations. Other leaders such as Chevron U.S.A. offer similar insights. … ‘ ‘ (IT HISSES, 2003 p.02). If all the above-mentioned professionals are preparadores of generation and must also have as professional commitment the respect to the environment. The professor still has a bigger responsibility, therefore it is not only formador of opinions, it is formador of all society. Then, plus a reason to insert in its lessons and debates related questions the nature and problematic the ambient contemporary. Subjects as biodiversity and the economic and ecological support must be worked and be argued obligatorily in the pertaining to school environment, extending until the communities.

The National Curricular Parameters are elements importantssimos in the quarrel of the ambient question, and must be worked in the school for discipline them to all. We will only obtain to form compromised, contextualizados and sensible citizens with problematic the ambient one of the planet, when ambient education to start not only in the school, but in the familiar way. Therefore the ambient education is above all, the education in the ways and customs, and this to move is necessary a change of attitude in the home, the family, the individuality human being. Article published in 12/09/2006 in page 4, Notebook of Opinions of the Periodical the Impartial one.