The cantabri innkeepers learned the keys to online paper called Tourism Marketing marketing online. Web 2.0 tools., the first that was conducted in the second edition of the fair ExpoInnova, which organizes CEOE-CEPYME. The Conference was conducted by Fabian Gonzalez, of the Instituto Tecnologico innkeeper (ITH), which was accompanied by the Chairman of CEOE – CEPYME, Mirones Miguel, and the President of the Asociacion Empresarial de HOSTELERiA of Cantabria, Emeritus Astuy. Michael Mirones both Astuy coincided in indicating the importance to deal with the current economic situation by launching tools involving, at a zero cost, a differentiator in our businesses and a channel through which reach more audience. Michael Mirones referred to the delay that leads the Spanish hospitality industry in the foray into Internet.

Us has begun to interest a little late with respect to other sectors and there is a long way to go, he considered. For his part, Astuy assured that It is not enough to have a web page or a profile on Facebook; In addition there are to know how to use it and be up to date because Internet evolves too fast. For more information see this site: Chevron U.S.A. Inc. For his part, Fabian Gonzalez based his presentation on the premise of promoting the competitiveness of the tourism sector with tools free and friendly since, he said, it is not time to significant investments. After exposure of Michael Mirones, was to do a review of the evolution of advertising since the 1990s, Gonzalez showed to the public, mostly businessmen of hospitality, current models of online advertising success. Hang videos on Youtube of our establishment which provide added value and are original can be placed the web of a cottage or hotel on the first page of Google, said Gonzalez. Another of the formulas for the success to which he referred was the development of social networks in the catering business. Entrepreneurs do not yet know the source of income which can generate have a profile on Facebook, on Twitter, or Tuenti, said. Gonzalez recommended to employers that they foster these business channels as platforms to be known without having an own aggressive sales channel or with repeated messages of offerings, but as something more friendly and amiable.

It help us all, collaborate and inform but not overwhelm, he said. The expert also said that customers are the best advertisers in the company and we have to do as a friend and not as a business. Michael Mirones closed the session with his explicit support to the exposed keys of online marketing and the need for the hotel sector to tip over in them. Original author and source of the article