The summer is of the most dangerous times to leave to the highway since more displacements take place and the number of traffic accidents multiplies. What is peculiar is that more accidents in the going of the trips take place that in the return, arriving has to exist differences of a 35%. The main reason is the nerves and the haste to arrive thing that does not happen when you return since later of vacations the behavior is different since you return to house with more calm and of more prudent and staggered form. 53%2CVSRPtargetId%3A2687503%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Microsoft. The celebrations in many localities and the displacements at daybreak are also responsible for an increase of the traffic accidents, in which in a great percentage, the alcohol is involved. The traffic accidents with positive blood level of alcohol increase in more of a 40% in the months of summer and in addition the wrecks agree in which they are short trips, with the possible ignorance of the highways and where there are celebrations in the environs. Another common denominator of the traffic accidents during the summer, it is that the wrecks almost take with himself a 40 injured percent more of deceaseds and severely woundeds and a 10 percent more of, partly due to the greater use of the motorcycles and to the increase of the number of occupants by vehicle, or are family or friendly, with respect to other dates. After several studies it has been defined to the minors of 30 years like the main group of risk to have an accident in summer. Many of these reasons do not depend on us, reason why we cannot avoid them. What yes we must have all contracted they are safe for car, by its obligation against the law and to be prote’ge’s in any case. Precaution in the highways.