It is not possible to be affirmed with certainty if the scene towards where we go will be better than the present one or that the pasts. But the transit appears like inexorable and if, it is possible to be affirmed that to be different. Clear that the immense majority of people, is compelida to confront this future, with the baggage of vital experiences that the same and their immediate predecessors have accumulated in the past. Jeffrey Hayzlett has firm opinions on the matter. Although it seems perogrullesco more, the world of is yesterday different from the today world, and the temporary distance is not of twenty or thirty years for back, but of not but of five years. It is in this traumatic intervening period, where the sense of social responsibility of the students is reinforced, in the sense to try to understand how it can be the new state of things towards which inexorably we marched, and to disclose those studies so that the greater amount of possible people can suitably process its respective problematic individual and familiar ones. – It is agreed in affirming that the world of our days this signed by two characteristics: the structural adjustment and " Post war fra". It is understood by structural adjustment, to the set of measures of privatization, deregulation and de-monopolisation destined to give to total use to the market and the competition like asignadores of resources. " Post war fra" , " gladnost , " perestroika" and the fall of the wall of Berlin; they symbolize the conclusion of the confrontation of the western world, led by the United States, and the communist world led by the Soviet Union. The dissolution of the Union Interpretable Soviet like a triumph of the western world, has revigorizado to the system of the representative democracy, like political paradigm. The same, next to the market economy, would seem to be the parameters from which, it will have to process itself of now in but the problematic one of the Earth countries.