If the body is right, it doesn’t matter that the shadow is twisted. Proverb Chinese General, basic considerations. Thinkertoys, are creative techniques that teach how to have ideas, both big and small. Ideas that will make money, that solve problems, which sold to the competition and making progress his career. They are strategies to be active in the regular search for ideas. If we seek ideas frequently, some will be necessarily good. Definitely the thinkertoys are a series of exercises that seek to stimulate the way of thinking and creating original the different challenges we face in our life and creative responses. Michael Michalko, the Thinkertoys are solid and creative techniques that teach you how to have ideas.

They are specific techniques and practices that give you ideas large and small; ideas that make you win money, that solve problems, which are due to competition and making progress his career. Michael Michalko in his work ThinkerToys presents how to develop creativity in the company and indicates a series of techniques called linear ThinkerToys, intuitive ThinkerToys and ThinkerToys for groups. The linear ThinkerToys include: list of attributes, morphological analysis, diagrams, matrices, etc. Between the intuitive ThinkerToys: incubation, fantastic questions, creative visualization, images, hipnogonicas, psychosynthesis, etc. ThinkerToys for groups include brainstorming, and storm of rice or TKJ. Scope.

All people have two brain hemispheres. Each has a function: with the left think in terms of words and symbols and with the right images. The linear Thinkertoys are for the left brain and the intuitive to the right. The main linear Thinkertoys are: masks: If in solving a problem, we assume as certain things that are incorrect, the final solution will be incorrect. Broad assumptions investment thinking. Liberty Mutual insurance often says this. Many creative thinkers have their ideas when they question and invest the obvious. Technique of struggle: follows the model of the analysis of the force field, which allows you to see the way in which the positive and negative forces pushing and pulling you towards the best or worst scenario.The future fruit: the forces can be identified (economic, technological, etc.) with some impact on the decision, and to thereafter, build four or five future scenarios.