The plant from South America conquered Europe was discovered in the stevia plant ready in 1887 by a scientist named Antonio Bertoni in South America, because the native Indigos have previously used the plant to sweeten beverages and foodstuffs. If you would like to pay a little on his diet, then it is worthwhile to buy stevia, because the plant contains no calories and is ideal to sweeten of many things. You can buy stevia in many different shops, often you will just can’t find stevia in many health food stores, unfortunately still in the EU. But on the Internet you can buy stevia, here is often a much larger selection. Especially diabetics is recommended to buy stevia, because stevia in no way affects the blood sugar and stevia is for many people to buy a very good alternative to the harmful and unhealthy sugar. If you would like to buy stevia, you have several possibilities, because stevia is on the one hand as a powder, but available in liquid form.

When buying stevia in liquid state, then there are the substances of the plant that were dissolved in water most. They are called Steviosides. However, you should note that the liquid stevia, which is available in the trade about 30 times is so sweet as conventional sugar. Buy stevia is not only a healthy alternative to sugar, but also very efficient. Because stevia is also heat-resistant, you can sweet very good not only tea and coffee, but also hot food so. In Japan and many other countries such as stevia used on large scale and also in Germany, the trend is getting further away from the traditional sugar and new alternatives such as stevia to be used. Who wants to eat so healthier and calorie, stevia is a real alternative.