For almost two years ago Serafin Alarcon was about half past nine, and wrote from a winch in the office my resignation. In a country where unemployment goes through the roof I gave up a job for twelve years with a multinational company, a good salary and benefits. "Here's my resignation … Give a brief letter and said goodbye to everyone with a gentle smile. "Someone whispered went crazy. On December 6 2005 to renounce my last job "secular" to work full-time evangelistic and missionary ministry.

And the truth I have no regrets. Almost two years have been full of surprises, challenges, fears, and above all huge blessings. Missionary work is not for everyone, involves renunciation of many amenities and whims of the ego. It's a constant daily tasks no matter what exercise even in your own country, as in my case. Walking through the streets of my country, urban or residential neighborhood gives you a perspective on life and what the gospel is different and much deeper. When someone asks you to pray for her in the middle of a street or on the same balcony of his house is huge sensation. Talk to a youth group in a penal institution see their faces and perhaps for the first time, illuminated by the word of hope is beyond compare. But, the experience becomes insurmountable when someone says: He sent the Lord …

I confess that not all receive the same faith, love and above all encouragement, but of those I will not have to speak, at least today … What I say about the Internet? This is a valuable tool, one that has an unlimited scope. Making friends in India, Australia, Africa, America, Italy, France, beating even the language barrier and culture are some of the surprises that Christ had me. The short sermons on Youtube and Dailymotion in other channels such as blogs and web pages have opened doors that I never imagined. And to think that the investment has been minimal, most God has made. Almost two years ago. Who would have thought? Until I reach out to my daughter … That has been the greatest of all blessings. Was the best decision of my life, no doubt. The world, people are thirsty for God. Talk to others about Christ, we bring the message of love, not from a religious perspective and denominational … No, let's do it from the very heart of Jesus using only his word as a source of primary information. Let us pray to make us instruments of peace, that makes our hands and instruments to raise our voice for guiding lights. God has been faithful, just as we have to respond.