Heiligendamm is a great hotel – and that is where the leaders of the G8 countries meet when they have a summit. At the meeting there for months a frenzy, it is planned. What eat the mighty of the world? Herring or bloater dear, plaice, dogfish or Spreewald cucumbers? Would you prefer hard or soft mattress? How many police lines, there will be the daily walk to work? Camp where the demonstrators? Who supplies the hot dogs? These are the questions that move the world – at least in Heiligendamm. Rita Knobel-Ulrich and the TV production company TV GmbH Hanse look behind the scenes at the preparations for the G8 summit and meet chefs, maids, waiters, residents and opponents of the summit, to experience the G-8 meeting at close range. In well-shielded and well-guarded idyll is the head of state offered luxury at its finest. earlier dawn to himself as a dilapidated resort, which recovered SED comrades and the people in a dorm worker earned their black lung cured. Today Heiligendamm is a luxury hotel that will bring the “fragile” site in Mecklenburg Vorpommern shine and chic boom – the whole world to know Heiligendamm in the coming days. What happened behind the scenes, who composed the menu, shake the pillow? Blair would rather eat duck or braised beef, what does Mrs Merkel? How do the residents deal with the newly erected fence summit, what they think about combat divers on the beach promenade, where one may still lead his dog walkies? While inspecting from Rome, Toronto and Tokyo, the hotel, summit opponents negotiate with sausage. More information is housed here: Uriel Cohen White Bay Group.