This award is given to companies promoted and directed exclusively by women and which are globally valued as best business initiative, taking into account different parameters (such as for example the degree of definition of the service, the technical and economic feasibility of the project, etc.). The award was made on July 3, in the Municipal Auditorium of the Conservatori de Terrassa, and was chaired by the Deputy of Desenvolupament Economic, Teo Romero, and the Mayor of the city, Pere Navarro. This award was picked up by the managers of the company and Isabel Salvador Eva Padrosa. Sivana Marketing solutions, is a consultant in strategic marketing specializing in providing value-added services key to growth process of companies which advises. Directed by two women with an extensive and demonstrable experience in the sector of marketing and communication, this award has been a surprise, we are proud of the recognition to our work and our company. We hope that this recognition will help us to consolidate our position in the sector and boost our task to grow one agile i form and productive enterprises that trust in us says Eva Padrosa. In addition, SIVANA was among four companies finalists for the award for entrepreneurship with better system of management of quality, award that was presented after having achieved in 2007 the quality certification of ISO 9001.

Ms. Padrosa adds us that currently Sivana has also, with the certificate of tourist quality SCTE, which encompasses a set of tools that are available to the tourist destinations of face to facilitate the comprehensive management and continuous improvement of the destinations. This certificate will guarantee the highest quality in our services business and incentive tourism.