What claims can be – made against surviving the funeral provides help even if the burial in the focus of criticism, it offers a tremendous advantage: funeral care, each also can create appropriate backing for a burial with small contributions. Because it may be that even demands are made by virtue to the bereavement. Here are some examples: The Verwaltungsgericht Stade (AZ. 1 A 539/05) has decided that a son for the cost of burial must come up, even though it has maintained no contact with him and against him had no obligation to pay. The judge ruled that because the son is the father closer than the general public and hence these costs must take. Here unexpected costs on a will without a funeral.

However, according to the official court Stade, eliminates this funeral duty, when custody was taken from the father for example due to abuse or neglect. By the Lower Saxony Oberverwaltungsgericht (AZ. 8 ME) 227/04), it was decided that nieces and nephews are not the members of the inner circle. It must not be for a funeral. However, the idea plays a role here whether not a burial is established for the standalone aunt or uncle to ensure a burial in a dignified setting. On the other hand is to expect a grandson to bear the funeral expenses for the grandparents, if who is the only close relatives, the Verwaltungsgericht Stade (AZ.

1 A 681/03). If a cast preserved body parts that were found during excavation of the Tomb were returned when at the gravesite after the funeral, so still not a reburial claim. In a specific case, the rest periods laid down in the cemetery had expired for seven years. Therefore could not be held according to the Bavarian Administrative Court (case No. 4 B 05.3396) the action on reburial.