A small world of volleyball on the beach in Valencia students foreign students of Spanish around the world participate in a beach in Valencia Valencia volleyball tournament. The volleyball is played throughout the world. But this sport on the beach for many only possible during the holidays. Costa de Valencia Spanish school students took this opportunity to measure yourself in a small tournament. The participants came from all over Europe, Japan, Korea and United States. The tournament lasted until the evening, when there were only 2 teams, the German and another made up of a selection of Spaniards, Russians and Swiss. Finally the group formed by students from Germany, managed to do with the points needed to win the tournament.

The same value, as to the fact of speaking in Spanish with others gave to the game itself. This was especially difficult for newly arrived students, not so much for those who already had a season in Valencia. Their task was to announce the outcome of the game in Spanish, without committing faults and low the supervision of the teachers of the school. Most experts in the Spanish language students had an advantage over the others, since they could comment on and discuss the more complicated moves. Some were holding private conversations outside of the beach volleyball court.

A theme of recurring conversion was possible activities that could be performed to entertain in Valencia, since many of them come from holiday and want to spend their spare time in the best possible way. For this purpose are advised by others to find out what the best pastimes of Valencia. School of Spanish Costa de Valencia, Center accredited by the Cervantes Institute, daily offers its students up to four extra-curricular activities. These activities span many sectors, from visits to the historic center to sports activities, including visits to museums and other nearby cities. This way the students were together all matches of the World Cup and finally celebrated the victory of Spain big. When finished the tournament, all were given a well deserved swim in the Mediterranean to cool off after the effort. For many, it was an unforgettable experience that only you can live in the beach volleyball.