After the death of Steve Jobs, the commentaries had not been few on its legacy, on how much it changed the world, on the example that left of creativity and perseverance. I think that all we can inspiring in them in it, about the direction to go in search of our true passion. It created Apple in its garage, and spread the idea of a personal computer in each home – what today already it is a personal computer for each person of the home. The fact is that, when the company already was great located well in the market, it he was dismissed for the director who he himself contracted. It left there, it established Pixar and also it changed our form to see drawing when it launched ' ' Toy Story' '. Of there pra here, the livened up drawing never more was the same.

after, established the Next, that finished being bought for the Apple, when in fact it returns for the company that it established and retakes its position of CEO. Its characteristics are undeniable: creativity, design and simplicity in the innovation of the products. Perseverance, leadership, passion in its behavior of life. Everything this is inspirer. Everything this changed our form as we deal with the world. But this worship is really justifiable? Betinho worked for the eradication of the hunger in Brazil and it did not have as many followers. Madre Teresa worked for the Peace and Equality, and in its death, I did not notice so great world-wide commotion with its absence.

Valley to remember that Steve Jobs did not have an easy genius. The commentaries are many of that it minimized and ridicularizava the people with who worked, simply for them not to be so shining how much it! What I want to say is that MANY people can inspiring in them, not only the celebrities and that they enter in our houses through an enormous campaign of marketing. Its father, its mother, had been and perhaps still they are its heroes. You can have had a teacher who changed its life, or a friend placed who you up there when all did not believe more you. We always go to remember the people to our redor, of how much they had been and are important for us. also – and that is most important – of how much also we can make the difference for the people to our redor. Of how much we can inspire our children, pupils, friends, neighbors that our example and behavior of life can make an enormous difference, exactly that nor let us notice this. Patrician Camargo specialized Affective Personal Coach/in relationships