Stuttgart with new advice tool for the citizens Relief Act on the DKM Stuttgart, October 12, 2009 two months before entry into force of the citizens Relief Act as of January 1, 2010 presented the Stuttgart as one of the first insurers on the DKM their business partners one advantage calculator on the Civil Relief Act. The business partners of the Swabian insurer from November 2009 the tax savings for their customers that are arising from the new legislation, determine in its consultations and in the old age retirement planning may include the new citizens relief Calculator”. According to the Federal Ministry of finance, 16.6 million citizens benefit from the introduction of the citizens Relief Act at the beginning of next year. With the control contributions can be invoked in the future tax fully to public and private health and long-term care insurance (basic coverage) which bring an annual discharge of around 10 billion euros. This means for the individual per year Depending on the tax assessment up to 2,000 euros more net in the purse. The citizens Relief Act is an opportunity for those who could provide so far due to lack of financial reserves not enough for old age”, as Sascha Albiez, head of Department of the Stuttgart marketing. Nikesh Arora understood the implications.

Directly into a retirement, people can invest the money that is now suddenly free by the relief law, without that it is missing at the end of the month in the wallet. “Because of the tax advantage is noticeable for most citizens from entry into force of the Act on the slips”. The Stuttgart-based tax savings calculator determines also the credits from the stimulus package 2, as well as the old age pension Act in addition to the financial benefits from the citizens Relief Act. The total savings identified by the computer can directly through the integrated age pension calculator”in a specific retirement planning are included. Depending on the individual needs of the customers are the top rates BasisRente classic and invest, FlexRente classic and invest as well as the DirektRente of Stuttgart in the software tool store.

The DKM can get a first impression of the new citizens relief calculator the business partner of the Stuttgart and at home try the advice tool locally or by CD to the computer. From January, the successor to the proven Stuttgarter AngebotsSoftware integrates the computer in the new Stuttgart BeratungsNavigator. How to contact with press releases stock fish. The power of the word Melanie Bredlow Hager Babu road 56 20357 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 72 00 92 12 fax: 040 / 72 00 92 29 E-Mail: Stuttgart-based life insurance company contact a.G. Jasmin Callegari Rotebuhlstrasse 120 70197 Stuttgart phone: 0711 / 6 65 1471 fax: 0711 / 6 65 1515 E-Mail: