Try to become more educated beings and to know what kind of items they are deductible. You must also know moving deduction standard and start making a list of our returns. (4) Having a home at some point in our lives, many of us We rent a house or an apartment because we could not afford an expense as the fact of buying a property. Anyway the rental is not a good long term investment. Buying a property is a good way of building heritage. Unless our intentions to be going in a near term, the fact of buying a property sounds good. (5) Avoid the momentary purchase of products lustful all persons who do not have a heritage that generates them return and its suledos dependence leads them to want to spend on good technology products, are damaging for the simple fact of buying things that shall be depreciated with the passage of time. Obviously that depends on brand, product type, but usually a product such as new vehicles depreciate 15 to 20 percent per year.

Then a car with two years of seniority will be using 70% of your purchase price. We have to consider the idea of buying practical things that have a minimum expenditure per month, or who can afford it in effective. This means that you’ll have more money to buy more assets that eventually will increase its value instead of buying cars that shall be depreciated with the passage of time. (6) Never rely of a salary many individuals are really loyal to their employees and come to the end of work a lifetime with them if you see the possibility of generating an increase in their income. This is an error gigantesco because we can not stop thinking about having an increase in our income that we will help to invest and save. You always have to keep an eye in all fields, do not give any door closed and be lying in wait to attack.

To achieve the so anciada financial freedom have to accomplish the difficult task of leaving our activity as employees and replace them with possession of assets where the money generate us more money. And do not want to lie as well, since many can think that nothing simple is start something and have the capital to do so. That truth, not there is nothing simple in life, but what I am certain is that there are many ways to finance an idea, is everything a question of attitude. Then remains at the discretion of each, whether we like to be employed (whether managers, assistants, administrative, etc) depending on a salary and a standard of living that once outside of the company we have no more, or working for yourself, investing in different assets and more comfortably vivre. (7) Do not depend entirely on luck and chance all successes are a mixture of several things, whether luck, intelligence, being in the right time, money, tools, time, etc. But many people live resigned, thinking that his only chance to achieve a comfortable financial life is if they win the lottery or any game of chance, but beyond that if the luck accompanies us and we won the lottery are going to be very aimed at achieving financial freedom.