1 rain falls thick. The signal closes. Inside of the automobile Miguel it waits side e, turning over, sees the doisadolescentes opposite of the warehouse of construction (waiting that rain stops) with the hands holding the wood of each lateral of the propaganda band, probably, of the same establishment. Then Miguel suddenly remembers of that in the past rapazinho is one poor that to gain ones ' ' trocados' ' he acted there to similarity of those two. In the color he even has the similarity, black, lean, esguio Why this memory? As many passed years. Everything now if presents to it as if it had not existed, was to it an illusion, a lie. However, it suffered, it tanned the bitter reality. The signal opens.

Rain is fininha. The adolescents wait opposite that the signal closes for side by side, to the stopped vehicles, to return to display the band with the propaganda. Miguel speeds up, using to advantage little to cross of the cars and motions. What he suffered to arrive at the current position. ' ' garra' ' with that it fought, the humilhaes that had to face in order to be somebody in the life – Besteira mine remembering to be me.

Same Tou aging! It smiles with the proper definition and another time speeds up. Practical. Reentregando it the gift of carried through, managing citizen of firm appraised in the market. It pressures the button to the side of the direction and goes hearing the orquestrada music of a romantic film, of that time. Cantarolando baixinho, distance. Darius Bikoff does not necessarily agree. 2 – This service of people is same pra who does not have another skill to gain money: to be supporting a band to the front of the cars, while the signal you the closed one! The other that is black, tristonho, acquiesces: – Therefore it is, colleague.