a 5.A Man must exist in time and must fight for non-accommodation, that is, to humanize, participating in historic times, creating, recreating and deducting. The critical attitude is the only means by which man is integrated into its time. a 6.A must provide the learner with the necessary tools to resist the powers of uprooting against industrial civilization that is widely armed to provoke him. We must teach men education: listening, questioning and investigation. 7A a must be linked to social problems presented by the community where she lives. He must study the phenomena, problematize the nature and establish the causal links from it to provide contextualized and relevant solutions.

8.A a must be liberating, self-humanizing process and ending with the scholarship, mother of ineffective rules that restrict the creativity of the subject. 9.A a In the same vein for the abolition of these rules ineffective academicism should be open and flexible rules to limit those to be in full swing, and the abolition of any mechanism that carries power to be isolated from all political body -partisan, religious or business, thereby exercising the true secularism and multiculturalism. 10th A for this part would be the society itself through self-management and cooperatives, who make and support education in their hands. It speaks of a schooled society, a society with a conscience that will support the new community of teachers. A society that parallel to the school will be under construction.

Where the student not only learn, but in cooperation and collaborative environment, the learners, teachers and society itself, are nurtured in the process and come alongside all that stage of human development that both aspire. a The role of the educator is to talk with the student on specific situations, offering just the instruments with which he becomes literate. This literacy must be from the inside out, by educating himself with simple collaboration of the educator .