DKV and Central will begin with the closure of the Einsteigertarife after the DKV announced the end of their Einsteigertarife in the new growth at the end of the year,(Tarife BM1, BM2, SMART/PLU, ET2 und die NBL-Tarife BS9 und BS5) followed the Central surprise with an info on the 28.07.2011, from 01.08.2011 no new business in the Einsteigertarifen of the ECOline tariffs (KE, EKE, KEH, BSS, and BSSN) more adoption. Even the relatively new tariffs of Vario combinations (with performance multi-bed rooms in the hospital) (Vx3xSx) are affected. The rationale was “strategic realignment”. Similar as the DKV now also the Central would like to do more on more powerful rates their sales, because mainly the so-called “Einsteigertarife” are affected by the closure which offer some less scope than the statutory health insurance. And to add on top of it to informed Central yet about possible increases in contributions. Ulrich Kappl – insurance brokers quote: our first projections show that we also in the year 2012 will have significant contribution increases in new business as well as in the stock.

According to the current state of our analyses, we expect increases in the double digits. This can be an average increase of around 20% for the PLUSlinie mean, as well as an average increase of around 10% for the TOPlinie in the new business. In early 2011 the Central had already raised in an average of 6.5% the premiums. Why now the withdrawal from the low-cost segment? In the industry, rates with slimmed down services and relatively low contributions of great popularity enjoyed for several years. Some PKV provider generated very much (and mainly) its new business from this segment. The so-called Einsteigertarife were, I have to say so clearly there for the most part decoy deals.

This strategy takes revenge now. As with the cheap Heimern also the same clientele was attracted to i.e. people with low incomes who want to save insurance contributions (and often dubious payment). How now confirmed, even these small contributions for this clientele still too expensive. The immense contribution residues at the affected companies this results in what that is closed now for the”tariffs affected customers? The Central advertises on its website with the following slogan: “We are in very good company”. But many customers in the affected tariffs say now determine “Every man for himself who can!”, or “Must I now pull the plug?” worse “the financial collapse my tariff?” So flat can not responded to, because there are always individual decisions. Action is needed but in any case, this could be for example a change of tariffs within the company in a better rate. You must warn against hasty decisions. Sufferers should be of free insurance brokers inform yourself in advance only good and neutral. It has to be remembered that it by missing new entries to an “ageing” of tariffs and future additional use (age-related) to disproportionate contribution adjustments come can / will. The DKV and the Central listed here although notably, since they are the first, “including the corresponding collective work”, are however also representative of all car companies are traveling with Einsteigertarifen in the market. Here a lot on the market will do in the future is and other car insurers will follow suit.