Graph 1 – Behavior of International Tourist flow – 1995-2008 Source: World-wide organization of Tourism – OMT Still under a perspective of the World-wide Organization of the tourism, this growth has been folloied for a decentralization trend, as it evidences the table: Table – Distribution of the World-wide Tourism Source: World-wide organization of the Tourism In 2008, of the total of 922 million landings, 488 million had occurred in the Europe (53%) 184 million (20%) in the region of Asia and Pacifico, 147 million (16%) in Americas, 55 million (6%) in the Middle East and 47 million (5%) in Africa. How much to Brazil, what it is placed for the observer is a partner-space concept of extreme diversity, as much of the point of view of its nature, how much in what it refers to its culture and to its social and economic characteristics. To this context of absolute diversity, that goes to come across the tourism in Brazil. With a natural reality that include extensive areas preserved and others equally extensive and degraded by factors antrpicos, an urban context that includes since small municipalities of 1500 inhabitants, until the gigantic So Paulo; opulenta wealth of a side and poverty and misery of the other, very next to the space point of view. Ahead of a picture with these characteristics, if it cannot speak of an only tourism in Brazil, the diversity, so intrinsic characteristic to the Brazilian reality is an attribute of the tourism that if practises in domestic territory. However the growth of this sector associated with the planning lack generates some problems in the receiving communities. However, these problems are many times relegated for second plain, data the economic weight that the development of the sector of the tourism possesss in some countries or regions had chosen that it with the objective to attract investment, to generate job and to promote growth economic. .